Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Da neu stuph!!!

Here is the sculpt of the model I plan on using for my animation. I was looking for a good polypainting source but I couldnt find one I didnt have to pay for. So I brought a zbrush character sculpting book. While It was on the way I created and am still working on the character below. All my characters so far have focused on anatomy. I want this one to be more along the lines of fantasy. I havent given him a name yet but he is the product of a chemical disaster. He is wearing a chemical suit torn with his robotic arm exposed. He is wearing a gas mask but the gas masked has become a tool of his mutation. Kinda like the helghast from Killzone (Helghast is awesome). He is a mixtured between the tyrant from resident evil, helghast, and the one dude that attached a chainsaw to his arm to fight zombies. Except this guy has a mechanical arm instead of a chainsaw.

The concept above I didnt put much detail in because I had the image in my head and I just wanted to get the general idea on paper. Now that I have the genreal idea down I will detail each piece of the character.

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